
Showing posts from January, 2013

Fix me

The chatter in the corridors, The emptiness on this side of my door. The whole world is spinning, And I just stand still. I watch as everyone rushes, With things to say everyone gushes. I stare and stare, feeling trivial,like a fool I lie alone, away, like a forgotten tool. Purposes, desires, everything my life lacks. Horrors of loneliness,of all I have left back. I am just the ghost of who I used to be. Only the traces remain of the real, true me. Nothing to live for, no one to look for me anymore. I can't go on, not like this, for sure. I need to feel needed, I need for someone to save me. I am broken, broken hearted, I need for someone to fix me. I need a purpose in life, and one I can't seem to find. I need to fill my empty time, I am slowly losing my mind. I want to go home, I need to find a way back to me. Cause if noone else will, I will fix me.


The complications that arise, Of heart, of soul, of love and life. The sad truths of being alone. The hurts and aches, the future unknown. Fickle, unsettling, the heart and its yearning, Solitude and serenity, loneliness and lesser learnings. The comfort of being with oneself,  And the agony of having no-one else. At these cross roads, at these forks, At this stage, at this phase with no quirks. I look for a helping hand, a shoulder to shed my tears on. And I watch as onto the ground, the stream of tears drops on. How these knots arose, I have no clue. But suddenly I question everything that I believed was true. And lost in these knots and ties, I forgot the real world. I forget who I was, I no longer remember my own words. There is a heaviness in my heart, I feel nothing but pain. And hurt, the never-ending ache my heart feels on each beat and again. Life is changing, and I don't care why. What is unclear is how will I?