Fix me

The chatter in the corridors,
The emptiness on this side of my door.
The whole world is spinning,
And I just stand still.

I watch as everyone rushes,
With things to say everyone gushes.
I stare and stare, feeling trivial,like a fool
I lie alone, away, like a forgotten tool.

Purposes, desires, everything my life lacks.
Horrors of loneliness,of all I have left back.
I am just the ghost of who I used to be.
Only the traces remain of the real, true me.

Nothing to live for, no one to look for me anymore.
I can't go on, not like this, for sure.
I need to feel needed, I need for someone to save me.
I am broken, broken hearted, I need for someone to fix me.

I need a purpose in life, and one I can't seem to find.
I need to fill my empty time, I am slowly losing my mind.
I want to go home, I need to find a way back to me.
Cause if noone else will, I will fix me.


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